Authentic & Fun Latin Dance Classes

Authentic Latin Dance Instructors and Programs

We believe authenticity and professionalism is an important part of everything that we do, and that includes our Latin Dance Classes.

Authentic Latin Dance Instructors

We have a fast number of professional, authentic and expert Latin Dance Instructors who were born in Latin America, trained in Latin Dance from a young age, are well-versed in teaching methodologies and have at least 3 years Latin dance teaching experience. Call us at (647) 501-0269 to discuss your needs today.

Latin Dance Lesson Programs

Latin Dance Lesson Programs typically include 6 or 8 lessons of 45 minutes, depending on the type of dance program but we also may have a drop-in option for people that cannot commit to a dance program due to their schedule.

We have also have fun festival, corporate, business or private party dance classes from small groups to thousands of participants and spectators.

Most of the Latin dance lesson programs will be focus on top dances such as Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cha Cha Cha, Rueda de Casino as well as other Latin dances.

Each program will focus on key elements of dance including timing, rhythm, melody, dance steps and the various dance techniques for both dance lead and follower roles.

With a full program package you will be able to move forward in Latin dance and have multiple dance steps for your dance repertoire while having fun.

The Salsa Club's YouTube Channel
Learn Latin dancing online on our YouTube Channel

Contact us at (647) 501-0269 and we’ll provide you with a professional Latin Dance Instructor. For information on how to find authentic Latin Dance Instructors and Schools near you click here.